
(“PEACE,- take it, or leave it”)
Circumstances may well indeed affect the way we feel but nothing or no one Makes us do or feel ANYTHING!
We are 100% responsible for how we feel and what we focus on, by how we respond.
(An Emotional Reaction to change almost guarantees conflict. A Conscious Response to conflict usually ensures pleasurable experiences.)
Sure, when we care about something or someone, experiences have an Effect on our expectations and/or desires but that does not Control our emotions.
Only we have the ability to control our own inner thoughts, and far too often, we give way too much power to outside Sources, instead of inside Resources.
If we like something or someone, let’s Choose to love it and them, and be okay with not experiencing a good Feeling all the time.
(-Love is a choice that discovers pleasure in seeking,- through challenges.-)
Feelings change, facts can be subjective but truth stands firm!
Avoiding truth promotes misery.
Facing truths doesn’t always feel good but if executed in good consciousness, can be refreshing for the soul, body and mind.
Associations, Friendships and Relationships exposes or brings Out, what’s INside and- “if there’s no enemy within, the external influence can do us No harm”.
Other people in general are not the source of our problems! Only the value of our thoughts about them can create an uneasy mindset towards them.
There are good days and better days.
(Bad days make the news and are only headlines because of the value we place on them. :/)
“Our opinion of others is a reflection of ourselves.”
-No one can Make us feel anything! However,
if we already feel something, to avoid facing that original source of truth, we convince ourselves that others are the source which allows us to blame, condim and move on to the next good and usually temporary feeling or “fix”. ?
Yes, sometimes people can and do extend lower levels of integrity with the intent to harm which may temporarily offset our general wellbeing.
Of course, That’s Another Conversation.
This primary focal point is, -to be attracted to something or someone and have them/it reciprocate is unique and rare.
Good friendships, relationships and opportunities can be disrupted when we avoid checking ourselves first, point fingers and blame others for what we are solely responsible for.
Hurt and anger are twin emotions that often trigger fear, which starts from within, usually through unsettled childhood experiences.
They will devour one’s mental stability if not acknowledged and examined Regularly which with practice, comes quickly easy and natural.
To love and trust is a neccessary balance for sound individuals. Facing fears and hidden truths can be emotionally difficult but necessary for a healthy conscience.
Unpleasant circumstances can cause interruptions in our energy flow but only we can allow it to ruin our sanity.
We’re All valuable and not everyone can or will appreciate our worth the same. That’s okay.
It, Really, is, okay.
We aren’t forced to focus on anything outside our own thoughts. When challenges are presented, If we can start with Our thoughts and manage our own feelings first, we will find peace even in some of the most difficult times as “trials come to strengthen our weaknesses.”
When jobs, relationships, friendships or opportunities prove toxic, by all means,
Move On-but be careful what you Take and what you Leave as they can be One in the Same.
Peace can be Taken, as well as Left.
-growth and maturity.

~T. Bridges, 2019